Donations Open For Pack The Pub
VOCM and VOCM Cares in partnership with The Newfoundland Growlers and The Newfoundland Embassy, in support of The Community Food Sharing Association are proud to present Pack The Pub!
This wonderful event takes place on St. Patricks Day, March 17th(Sunday) 1:00-4:00pm,
Donations can be dropped off at The Newfoundland Embassy now until March 17th. For every non-perishable food donation dropped off, you will be entered in to win a prize.
Monetary donations can be made by visiting https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/98254 or by scanning here:
Did you know:
– Food banks throughout Newfoundland and Labrador have seen a 44.1% increase since 2019.
– More than 30% of clients using food banks are under the age of 18.
– Food banks throughout Newfoundland and Labrador reported an average of 15,400 visits per month in 2023.
– Every $10 donation allows us to source, purchase and distribute up to $205.00 worth of food.
– Seniors aged 65+ account for almost 11% of food banks clients in the province.