Save the Date - Dial a Carol is back November 29
Join us on November 29 from 1-6pm on VOCM for a fun holiday tradition, Dial-a-Carol. For more than three decades Dial-a Carol has kicked off the holidays, while also raising funds in support of local charities and initiatives. VOCM listeners can call into the program to pledge their support and in return request their favourite Christmas carol.
This year’s recipient is CNIB Newfoundland and Labrador.
From the charity:
“People with sight loss are 3x more likely to experience depression, and for many living with sight loss, this sense of isolation can be a daily reality. Combatting the negative ramifications of isolation for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians living with sight loss is challenging, especially on an island where clients are spread so far apart. Many of our clients live in low-income situations, some have very limited support from family and friends, and many have additional disabilities putting them at increased risk to a variety of physical and mental health problems, especially now in our new world living with COVID-19. However, we are committed to leaving no one behind.”
Funds raised from Dial-a-Carol will support CNIB clients with Assistive Technology devices, which have become more widely needed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These devices along with specialized apps and subsequent training will allow clients to communicate and connect to their community in a safe manner.
To donate in advance, please visit vocmcares.com